SENA TuffTalk-M Headsets
The first rule of any partnership… communication. We have been side by side ever since we met in 1990. Well, 95% of the time. And the last 16 years or so, it’s been around loud machinery like wood splitters, chainsaws, firewood processors, table saws etc. Could we get any closer? Of course we could! And did I do something about that? Of course I did! 🙂
CBN Plated Chainsaw Sharpening
Uniformity in design brings consistency in results. When it comes to chainsaw sharpening, consistency in the tooth sharpening and rake height means that your job of sawing through wood takes less effort. You literally have an easier job of slicing through the wood.
Firewood and Dog Sitting Round 3
We picked the second hottest day so far this year to start getting firewood ready for the winter. The first hottest day was the day we cut them down. We must be cracked. Or have very bad timing. We still have about 3 cords left from last year, but that’s not enough to get us through the winter. We usually use about 5 – 6 cords a year but its always nice to have extra. We started by cutting up the small parts of the rock maple we cut down a few weeks ago. The one large log from the base of the tree will go on the mill later.
Getting Out the Ash Logs
With one large ash tree cut and hauled to the road, we spent another afternoon doing the same with an even bigger ash tree. This one was located just down from the first. This time we decided to try a slightly different approach.
Sustainably Harvesting White Ash Trees
A new client reached out to us this past week looking for special cuts of white ash. They were looking for some 3 inch thick, 12 inch wide, 6ft long pieces. I believe he said he is planning to make shaving horses. I have no ash in the yard, so it was off to the woods to see what we could find.
Hemlock and Pine Logs Arrived
Why is it Jim is never home when an order of logs or something of that nature arrives? Not sure, but he missed all the excitement. We weren’t expecting them so soon, but sure enough, here they are.
Cutting Large Stumps
If you remember last fall we cut down about ten trees at my Moms house, and we had left the stumps. Not because we were lazy, but because Jim needed an excuse to buy a new tool. Couldn’t finish the job until the order was placed and picked up. Well, now there is no excuse so we headed over to finish the job.
Spruce Logs to Build Kiln Shed
We spent Saturday this past weekend getting spruce logs to mill into 2 x 4 stud lumber to build the kiln shed. For these ones we had to travel to Piedmont, which is about a 45 minute drive. We headed out at 9am for the first load. Jim had asked Darrell for about three cords and he only wanted logs larger than 8 inches across. I know you must be thinking, why didn’t we just go cut logs ourselves. Well, time is the number one factor. Ain’t nobody got time for that, well…apparently Darrell does.
Operation: Pine Tree Removal
One of our spring jobs is crossed of the old to-do list, in winter no less. We were asked by my Aunt across the lake to take down five pine trees in the spring. They stood about 40 feet tall and were located quite close to her house. After the last wind storm, lots of branches broke off making a mess on her lawn. Most living branches were about 20 or more feet up. The rest were gone. This is what we started with.
Sending Smoke Signals
Happy Friday. Weather here is still holding on the warmer-than usual side. No snow yet, knock on wood. I’m sure it’s not too far off now. Plenty of rain though. I’ll take it.
We decided to try burning some of the brush from when we cleared more space behind our work yard. Everything was wet, which was a good and bad thing. Good so we wouldn’t accidentally start a forest fire, bad because well…fire and water.