Scroll sawing is a great way to pass the time and make use of scrap wood projects.
Wood Maps…Lots Of Them
Earlier on in the spring, we received a request for two large maps. One of Nova Scotia and one of Prince Edward Island. This past week we got to work.
Prince Edward Island Map
We are going to be cutting it close on this map, no pun intended, it may be a late Christmas present for someone. You just can’t rush the perfection that is a wooden map. Ha.
Large NS Map With Painted Lighthouse
Got a request from clear across the country in Calgary for one of our wooden Nova Scotia maps. The one he chose was the New Nova Scotia Wood Map with a lighthouse scene painted on the map, except larger. If I recall, Jim said it was to be a Christmas present for his wife who is from Nova Scotia. Glad to help, and time to get to work. Christmas is coming!!
How I built Jim a Mobile Scroll Saw Table
Ha ha. Actually I just helped, but seems someone was taking pictures unbeknownst to me. So without further ado…here is how it went down.
Baby Name Wood Sign
A friend contacted Jim with regards to having her baby’s name cut from wood. Fun. We’ve done one other baby name in wood. Remember baby Ruby? Here is how this one went down.
Layered Flag of Nova Scotia
We’ve had the idea for this project pinned to our whiteboard for some time. With the skid steer in the shop, everything in the yard has come to a standstill. Literally. So we figured now would be a good time to work on this layered flag of Nova Scotia.
So Many Maps…So Little Time
If you’ve been reading along on our scroll saw map making journey, you know we love a good wooden map project. We’ve been busy this spring. Between cutting, splitting, stacking, delivering firewood, cutting lumber on the sawmill, plus our regular jobs and life…we have been busy with map projects of all types. They say variety is the spice of life. Don’t know who ‘they’ are, I think ‘they’ are on to something.
Spalted Birch – before and after
Sometimes even those insignificant pieces of wood can be made into some nice. Case in point, these two boards are an example of what you can start with. Wood that was destined for the fireplace, but that spalted grain just spoke to me 🙂
Justice League Logo
We had a request for a large logo made from layers of wood. We were sent a picture of the logo and the measurements they wanted the finished piece to be.
Wood Map South River Lake
While we were working on our last map of Mahone Bay, we decided that since we don’t live on the ocean but the next best thing, a lake, we should do a wood map of said lake. And so the wood map of South River Lake was born. Go grab a coffee…I’ll wait here.