Short week!
So much to do and so little time. Thats how it seems anyways. We haven’t had a chance to mill anymore poplar logs and now we have a pile of pine to get done before winter. We have a running list in the office and other things have to get done first.
A lady in our neck of the woods contacted Jim to see if he would have time to install a new glass storm door for her.
Rain, rain, and more rain.
Woke up Thursday morning to a temperature, including humidity, of 32 degrees celsius. Oh… and rain.
Weekend Puttering.
It was a quiet weekend here, uneventful really, just how we like it. Saturday was hot and humid but Sunday was cool and cloudy. We spent Saturday morning revisiting the first side of the shipping container.
Neighbours helping neighbours.
A neighbour we had never met before contacted Jim to see if we were able to bring the chipper over to his property. He had heard us using it at our house.
Down time
Hey, we are still alive, or better yet Jim is.
Field testing
Its always a good idea to have sample boards for staining and finishing. The wood samples here are some scrap spruce and fir in the workshop. I touched the surfaces with the sander but still a fairly rough finish. I mostly want to see how this software absorbs different stains. -
Color testing
Ever get an idea in your head and it just won’t go away until you do something about it? This is what’s been circulating in my grey matter the last couple weeks. The way I see it, if I’m still thinking about it after this time, might as well get ‘er done and see how it tuns out.
Support local artisans and craftspersons
Some wear their heart on the sleeve… we wear our commitment on our bumper. 🙂 We are a local craftspersons workshop and do our best to support local business whenever possible. We hope to get the same support in return.
Building an air solar panel
I had this idea over a year ago, just getting around to trying it out now. I am going to build a air source solar panel box using recycled cardboard tubes, a piece of plywood and a clear plastic panel I bought at the store. Follow along, ask questions and provide comments!
Christmas sacked in town
Weather canceled the Santa parade this past weekend. Seems that those in charge thought it best to cancel the parade altogether. Are you kidding me?