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Working with wood is woodworking no matter the size of the porject. Projects in this category are completed by the WoodchuckCanuck.
New Woodworking Plans for Feb 23rd
This week we add about a dozen new full size woodworking plans to our online store. From outdoor yard art projects to rubber band machine guns, and thousands more, there’s something for everybody. What’s your next woodworking project?
Cup Cake Rack Woodworking Plan
This 4 tier cup cake rack (aka cupcake tree) can hold up to 83 cupcakes on four trays.
Ford Depot Hack Antique Automobile Woodworking Plan
The Ford Depot Hack was developed to carry passengers and their luggage to and from train stations. Station wagons evolved from these vehicles. Hack is an abbreviation of the work hackney (taxi).
Making a Monogramed Sign
This weekend we decided to make a monogramed sign to hang from the steel pole we placed in the flower bed a few years ago. We usually just hang a garden flag butĀ each year it either rips or frays. These flags are around $30, you’d think they would last a few seasons. Nope. The one from last year had a small tear in it so I sewed it up and in only a few weeks time it had another much larger tear in another spot. They don’t make things like they used to. Time to do a little DIY.
Country Roundup Wagon Wheel Woodworking Plan
We finally have the woodworking plans available for our Wagon Wheel Picnic Table. If you remember last fall we built a Wagon Wheel picnic table prototype where we wanted to develop a set of woodworking plans so that people can build their own. You can read all about the prototype process here, but as a refresher these are a few of the in-progress pictures.
completed wagon wheel -
Snow Day
What a difference a day makes! Or to be more exact, what a difference one snow storm makes. Here was Jim on the weekend, happily sawing logs.
Winter sawing. -
Noah and his Ark of Animals
We are proud to offer our newest woodworking project, Noah and his Ark of Animals. We provide you with the full size blueprint. Simply trace, cut and paint! This plywood project is sized 36 x 48 inches. We also offer custom sizing too if you want it larger or smaller.
Victorian Dollhouse: Customer Project
The Victorian Barbie Doll House woodworking plan is quite popular in our online store. It is a very detailed project which would take a considerable amount of time to complete. Recently, we received photos from a customer who just finished building this project.
Amazing work -
Kings United Church: Sign #1
The folks at Kings United Church asked for two new signs for the church. One for beside the front doors (which Jim is working on) and another for the side of the church that faces the road. So we got to work on the largest sign first.
Large sign for side of the church. -
Primitive Angels 2017
Primitive Angels 11 inches tall In the latter part of 2016 we made some primitive angels. Now its time to make some more. With no more pallets boards handy, IĀ gathered some blue denim pine that’s been drying in the shop from the trees we cleared in the summer 2016.