Firewood activities at the WoodchuckCanuck. Sales and suppliers of hardwood and softwood firewood and kindling products, including kiln dried firewood in mainland Nova Scotia and Cape Breton.
Inaugural firewood run for Sterling.
This morning in the log yard proved that its been cold the last few days.
2020 Firewood Year
We’ve been steady through the season selling hardwood and softwood firewood. Along with ourselves, the skid steer and the grapple attachment have been working hard to bring logs to the log deck. We all need a little maintenance now and again, and machines are no exception.
With our skidsteer still down for track repairs, we have to keep moving with deliveries.
Kiln drying firewood in June
Too bad I didn’t figure that out until the drying cycle was over but apparently some saw dust had plugged up the drain line on the kiln’s compressor.
Kiln drying firewood
Yesterday I loaded 2 cords of mixed hardwood into the kiln, around 3pm. Then I turned on the kiln to bring up the temperature so that the dehumidifier can start its job of drawing water from the maple, birch, ash and beech wood.
Burning wet firewood
Here’s a good example why you should not burn wet (green) firewood. This wood I had set aside out in the field, air drying for about 8-9 months. Maple wood mostly. Most people think that a year or less is all that’s needed to “season” firewood.
Testing new firewood crating system.
Hand stacking after the splitter is still the day to day routine around here. A little while ago I thought of how to make a cost efficient crate that can hold firewood, without having to stack.
Kiln drying firewood Feb 04 2020
Today is the inaugural run of firewood through the kiln. Surely to be a learning experience along the way.
Kiln drying firewood
Mid winter and not much sunshine these past few weeks. Couple that with a snow storm or two, its a bit difficult to keep the wood dry outdoor. So its time to employ the kiln to finish off the drying process.
Sawmill secondary processing firewood and kindling
I mean really, how much work can it be making firewood kindling? Grab a few boards and an axe, chop it up and done. Well that’s the condensed summary version.