Walnut Crunch
I don’t recall where I found this recipe but I know one thing for sure, it makes a near identical recipe to the walnut crunch cake donuts that were commercially available here in Canada. No one knows for sure why its no longer made commercially. Luckily, we have a recipe that will allow people to make them at home.
Mmmm… Sour Cream Cake Donuts
With our office work done for the day, (is it ever?) and rain blowing sideways, we decided to make some cake donuts. A while ago we tried the donuts baked in the oven, even bought the proper pan, but nothing replaces fried donuts. It’s not our first donut rodeo though, we’ve been making these at home for a few years now, and for about 20 years before that in a commercial fryer at our bakery.
Homemade Baked Donuts
On the weekend we decided to try baked donuts. This was more of an experiment than anything. No high expectations at all. While surfing around the internet, I came across a recipe for baked donuts. First thought was, probably not very good. But after reading further I found out it was a thing. Before we could start we had to see if we could find donut pans locally. Low and behold, we did.
Random Wednesday.
It has been raining off and on since Sunday so no work on outdoor projects, but it is a good time to get caught up on our indoor projects.
Apple fritters and sour cream bits
After a long week of working, time for a treat. We mixed up two batches of deep fried bits; apple fritters and sour cream cake donuts. Both recipes can be easily found online. The sour cream cake donuts are delicious. The apple fritters are, well, different. They are really tasty but … spongy. Yes, I said spongy. Even after they have cooled, the large amount of shredded apple keeps the donut really moist and soft. I kept the lid off of the container all night and today I took them out of that open container and put them back on a cooling rack on the counter. Out in the open and not covered, in hopes that the donut would dry a little bit. Not so. I have to say its an odd texture, almost like eating a marshmallow.
Storm Bits
Storm’s a comin’. Baked bread yesterday (4). Just finished 2 double batch of pita wraps (32). And now, a couple batches of cake donuts, (a.k.a. Jim Bits, Storm Bits). Some people head to the stores for storm chips, its a common thing to do in the Atlantic provinces.
Chocolate Cake Donut Bits
Found this recipe online, made with 250ml (1 cup) sour cream. Deep fried for about 1-1/2 minutes. Cover with glaze or for a double whammy, let cool then dip in dark chocolate 🙂
Jim Bits
Gina found this recipe online that did not require sour cream, like our previous cake donut recipe test. So we figured we would take a crack at trying it.