We enjoy baking cookies at home.
Almond Strawberry Tarts
Strawberry Almond Tarts When I made raspberry almond tarts several weeks ago, I had half the batter left over for the almond filling. I had put it in the fridge and told myself quite a few times to get something baked off so as not to lose the batter. Surprisingly the batter kept for many weeks.
Lemon Cracks cookies
Lemon Cracks Cookies First time making these type of cookies. The recipe said it would make 5 dozen… well, maybe… if you were using a teaspoon to scoop the dough. But the lemon rind flavor is nice and even tastes better the next day. Worthy to make again.
Cinnamon Roll Cookies
Cinnamon Roll Cookies Found this recipe in a book and it sounded good. Make the dough, which includes cream cheese, and roll out like to a 9×12 sheet 1/4 inch thick. Well, there was more dough than that, so I rolled it out 9×18. Make up like a cinnamon roll and chill for 1/2 hr. Cut into 1/2 inch slices and bake for 10-12 min at 350F. Suppose to make 4-1/2 dozen cookies. Well, it didn’t quite go like that…
Chocolate Cinnamon Cookies
Chocolate Cinnamon Cookies Chocolate and cinnamon?? Yes, I questioned it too. On top of that, there’s also raisins and walnuts. Ok, I’m game to try anything. I mean, if the recipe author took the time to put it in their book, they must think a lot of it.
4 part 2 step Macaroons
Toffee Chip Cookies
Toffee Chip Cookies This is the 4th recipe I discovered today to make use of that liter of buttermilk. So you like the flavor of toffee but don’t have toffee chips to add? No worries, try this recipe out.
Coco Drop Cookies
Homemade Cocoa Drop Cookies This is the third of 4 recipes that were new-to-me to try out and to use use of the liter of buttermilk that was in the fridge.
Sweets for sweets
Peanut butter fudge The dear wife made some fudge, peanut butter and chocolate chips. I love sweets and I like fudge but only in small amounts. There’s a lot of sugar packed into a little square!