Baking has been a part of my life as long as woodworking.
24 hour pizza dough, crispy recipe
I mean really, who can resist a light airy, crispy crunchy pizza crust? Anyone?
(Silence, other than the chirps of crickets and frogs.)
That’s what I thought. Here’s a pizza dough that takes 5 minutes to put together, and 24 hours to rest and relax. I mean COME ON, HOW EASY IS THAT!
Tangzhong Style Hamburger Buns
If you have had to suffer through the low quality mass produced hamburger buns from the grocery store shelf, I likely don’t have to say anything else. You want a better buns. We all want better buns! Thankfully, I’m known for nice buns. Ahem… cough cough.. bread buns people! Keep it clean 🙂
Detroit Deep Dish Pizza
For the last 30 years or more every Saturday night at the house we’ve had pizza. Some traditions are worth keeping. 🙂 We’ve always made thin crust. We’ve admired deep dish pizza from afar, but just never got around to experimenting with it…until today.
How to build a Cinnamon Star Bread dessert
Today we made a first trial run of making a star bread. Now this bread concept is made with a sweet danish type dough, without the laminations. The layers come from the building technique. Many different types of filling can be used; nutella is popular, cinnamon and sugar… even pizza! Might have to try that one another day.
Pizza Pockets and Pies
Saturday night is pizza night here at home. It’s been that way for +30 years now. Today I had to make pizza dough and decided to do some experimenting with not just a new dough recipe but a new way to shape the pizzas.
Supporting Local – Tony’s Meats
Mornin’ folks. 6ºC at 6am and darkness at the moment. Grocery and fuel run yesterday. First stop the gas station and filled up 2 diesel jugs, 40L $58.28, then 7 various size jugs of mid grade gas $1.54/L. I gotta say, fuel prices are just crazy now.
Walnut Crunch
I don’t recall where I found this recipe but I know one thing for sure, it makes a near identical recipe to the walnut crunch cake donuts that were commercially available here in Canada. No one knows for sure why its no longer made commercially. Luckily, we have a recipe that will allow people to make them at home.
Jelly roll time
Jelly roll has been on the agenda for a couple weeks now. 🙂 It has been many years since having made one and we didn’t have a recipe.
Peanut Butter Cups, mmmm
We decided to try our hand at making homemade peanut butter cups. I mean why not. It is just another kind of DIY really. I’ll post the recipe we used at the bottom, but first I’ll show you how we made them.
Homemade Dog Treats
Our favourite pooch is moving away soon. I may have shed a tear. So when we were asked if we wanted to dog sit for the weekend we jumped on it. I mean how can anyone resist this guy: