Prince Edward Island Map
We are going to be cutting it close on this map, no pun intended, it may be a late Christmas present for someone. You just can’t rush the perfection that is a wooden map. Ha.
So Many Maps…So Little Time
If you’ve been reading along on our scroll saw map making journey, you know we love a good wooden map project. We’ve been busy this spring. Between cutting, splitting, stacking, delivering firewood, cutting lumber on the sawmill, plus our regular jobs and life…we have been busy with map projects of all types. They say variety is the spice of life. Don’t know who ‘they’ are, I think ‘they’ are on to something.
Alberta and Nova Scotia Maps
There are a lot of Nova Scotians working and living in Alberta. One such family contacted us to make them two maps, one for each province. This is our first time cutting out a map of Alberta.
New Nova Scotia Wood Map
We have been seeing a spike in inquiries regarding our wood maps of Nova Scotia from right here at home as well as across Canada. We attribute it to the recent events in our province and the outpouring of love for Nova Scotia that has followed.
New Wood Map
Before I show you how we made this map, any guesses where it is? I’ll give you a hint. It’s on the east coast of the US.
Map making an island
As vast as the Internet’s information may be, sometimes you just cannot find that one thing you need for your next project.
Christmas Must Be Coming…
Usually around this time of year there are a flurry of orders for wood maps. So far this year is no exception. We keep some stock on hand but of course if it is painted black the customer asks for navy. That is just the nature of the beast. We got smart and got a little ahead of things by cutting out the items but not painting or assembling them…just yet. Frames will be added later too.
Making an End Grain Wood Map of Nova Scotia
A Few More Map Orders… Everyone Different!
A few weeks ago we had an order come in for a white washed map of Prince Edward Island (PEI). While any province or country can be scrolled out of wood, the islands are most easily recognizable. Again we knew we could get 2 map projects out of one cutting session.
Another Very Large Map of Nova Scotia
If you remember when we made the custom map of Nova Scotia on a grey weathered backer board a few weeks ago, then you remember we had the negative ready to create a second map. So that’s what we did. Here is a close up of the details on the Cape Breton end of the map. The dime is there for size and scale.