Porcupine from Hell
Let me start off by saying WE LOVE NATURE. Don’t have a problem with all the little critters, some are even cute from a distance. But we do have a problem when they start destroying our property. Like our latest porcupine from hell.
Happy Birthday!
Things were pretty quiet here over the weekend and that’s never a bad thing. It was a little too cold to get to our outdoor projects and also Sunday was my birthday!
Sawmill Blades Storage
As you can imagine, you have to have quite a few bandsaw blades on hand if you plan to run a saw mill. We estimate we get 300 – 500 board feet of lumber cut when the blade starts getting dull.
Here is a picture of Jim changing the blade on the sawmill from last summer. Oh yeah, I remember summer…
Wildlife and puppies
The other evening after supper we spied four deer on our front lawn. The most we have ever seen at one time before was three, usually a mother and two babies. They stayed for close to an hour, eating of course. They looked very healthy.
This was the largest one, we assume its the Mom.
Hoppy Easter 2017
Our resident rabbit is out and about around 9:30 at night. The infra red on the camera shows the heat signatures. That’s one warm fur coat its got there.
Meanwhile in Nova Scotia :)
Captured this moment on the doorstep this afternoon, just on our way out for a snowshoe walk. An ermine found itself a meal of squirrel. This is a couple times I have seen this ermine near the house. It probably explains why we have not seen any mice this winter. Which is ok by me.
Ermine or Weasel or Stoat
Whatever you want to call them, whether its an ermine, a stoat or a weasel, these little rodents are effective hunters. They will hunt mice, birds, fish, squirrels and pretty much anything its size or smaller.
-28ºC and chickadees brave the cold
Chickadees need lots of fuel to keep themselves warm during cold weather like today. A few more pictures…
Soon be turkey day in the USA
I got a call..no, not a turkey call… from a customer in New Jersey. Seems she just loves these turkey yard art projects but cannot get anyone to make them for her. She wanted to know if I could do them.
Turkey Log Bird
I find that when I need to take my mind off of the day to day things, I go into the workshop. However with no power, there’s not a lot I’d like to do with manual tools. I do have my chainsaw, so I set about creating some wood chips.