Porcupine from Hell
Let me start off by saying WE LOVE NATURE. Don’t have a problem with all the little critters, some are even cute from a distance. But we do have a problem when they start destroying our property. Like our latest porcupine from hell.
Porcupine chewed on plastic lattice -
Happy Birthday!
Things were pretty quiet here over the weekend and that’s never a bad thing. It was a little too cold to get to our outdoor projects and also Sunday was my birthday!
Soooo good. -
Sawmill Blades Storage
As you can imagine, you have to have quite a few bandsaw blades on hand if you plan to run a saw mill. We estimate we get 300 – 500 board feet of lumber cut when the blade starts getting dull.
Here is a picture of Jim changing the blade on the sawmill from last summer. Oh yeah, I remember summer…
Getting the new blade in place -
Wildlife and puppies
The other evening after supper we spied four deer on our front lawn. The most we have ever seen at one time before was three, usually a mother and two babies. They stayed for close to an hour, eating of course. They looked very healthy.
This was the largest one, we assume its the Mom.
Momma deer -
Hoppy Easter 2017
Meanwhile in Nova Scotia :)
Captured this moment on the doorstep this afternoon, just on our way out for a snowshoe walk. An ermine found itself a meal of squirrel. This is a couple times I have seen this ermine near the house. It probably explains why we have not seen any mice this winter. Which is ok by me.
Ermine or Weasel or Stoat
-28ºC and chickadees brave the cold
Soon be turkey day in the USA
Turkey Log Bird