Creating Air Flow in the Shipping Container
Ever since we got the shipping container we have had a problem with condensation on the inside, especially dripping from the ceiling. Makes storing anything inside sketchy. We picked up a new, second hand roof turbine to help get the air flowing.
Cutting the hole!! Hope this goes well. -
Weekend Puttering.
It was a quiet weekend here, uneventful really, just how we like it. Saturday was hot and humid but Sunday was cool and cloudy. We spent Saturday morning revisiting the first side of the shipping container.
Weekend Update.
The forecast called for rain all weekend but we went out Saturday morning anyways to see what we could get done before it started to rain.
Chipping the slabs -
Shipping Container: 2nd Side
On the weekend we started on the second side of the shipping container board and batten project.
All dressed up and no place to go!! -
Weekend update
Finally a perfect storm of good cooler weather and Jim feeling better got us back out to work on the shipping container board and batten.
milling logs -
Shipping Container: No progress
When we last talked, the shipping container progress looked like this…
Getting there. -
Shipping Container: Progress Continues
I was wishing for a cloudy day and today started that way so we were out ready to work by 8am.
Good sized logs. -
Shipping Container: Board and Batten Progress
Back to work on the shipping container.
Header for shipping container.