DIY hack – brush sweeps oil from sawmill blades
The Wood-mizer BMS250MU CBN sharpener has plastic cards that you re-position to scrape excess oil from the sawmill blade as the blade is passing through the sharpener. The oil is used to cool the CBN stone and to wash away the excess steel filings from the sharpening process. The cards do a fair job but for a couple reasons these brushes will improve the job.
You should see what I saw
Hey, Jim here. The fall season is a time of the year I look forward to. Cooler weather, and things slow down a little bit allowing us to get at a few other things that have been on the back burner all year long. This past week I have been trying to get into a pile of pine and hemlock.
Protect your investment
To protect your investment of saw mill blades, we now offer these sturdy wooden boxes. They are made from 1/2 inch thick pine boards right here in our workshop.
Exhaust fan for CBN sharpening machine
The amount of air borne oily mist that is created from the Wood-mizer BMS250S is significant. The design of the machine’s case does less than a desirable job of keeping the mist enclosed. The only way to truly tame it is to create some negative pressure within its environment.
CBN Plated Chainsaw Sharpening
Uniformity in design brings consistency in results. When it comes to chainsaw sharpening, consistency in the tooth sharpening and rake height means that your job of sawing through wood takes less effort. You literally have an easier job of slicing through the wood.