DIY Wooden Door Stop
A couple of months ago we laid new hardwood floors in the bedroom and when we put the room back together we decided to take apart the floor mirror and hang it on the back of the bedroom door.
‘Vintage’ Sled Centerpiece
The title of this post is actually a little misleading. You see, I plan to make my own ‘vintage’ sled and use it in a Christmas centerpiece. You know, a fake ‘vintage’ sled. Here is how it went down. We started with ‘old’ wood.
Making Beach Art Using Wood
We decided to use up some of our scrap wood to make a piece of art for the living room. I saw something similar on Pinterest and followed the link to Etsy. Yikes. I think they were asking around $400. I knew we could put our own spin on it and decided to give it a go. The first step was to start cutting strips of wood into varying widths and thicknesses on the table saw.
Turtle Lane Sign
Remember Teresa? Sure you do, she is the pottery kiln lady. A couple of weekends ago we delivered the wood for her outdoor kiln. Well, she dropped by this week and had an idea for a sign for the end of her driveway. The story goes that one day she was on her way to work, and lo and behold a turtle was digging at the end of her driveway to lay eggs. Imagine, possible baby turtles. She asked if we could make a sign. First we had to draw something out on the computer.
Making a GPS Sign
We needed one more ‘thing’ to fill out our wall of ‘things’. First we decided on the size and shape. We figured something about 8 x 20 would be best, so a long rectangle. With that information we decided to make a sign with our GPS co-ordinates on it. Here is where we plan for it to go.
Making an R for Baby Ruby
Our nephew and his wife had their first baby in July. They named her Ruby and she is so tiny and beautiful. I had asked my brother if we were to make something for her nursery, what color should we paint it. He sent along a picture of the nursery and we were all set to get to work. First we had to determine the size for the letter R and then pick a script for her name.
Making Wood Slice Coasters
We thought we would make some wood slice coasters. And like any good project, it starts by heading into the woods. Ha. You know, once you get something in your head, you just have to try and see if it will work. We didn’t have too far to go to get a branch or two before we could start.
Making an Eagle Whirligig
We see a LOT of eagles in our neck of the woods. There is a fish hatchery just down the road. That could have something to do with it. They patrol the edge of the lake looking for fish. Every once in a while we actually see them dive into the lake for fish. They often park themselves on the highest tree on the edge of the water. So beautiful. We decided to build a whirligig, and what better than an eagle for our first kick at the can.
Carving a Dough Bowl
Todays post is brought to you by the number 2 and the letter L. Ha. Anyone remember what tv show that was from? First person gets a prize. On to todays project: carving a dough bowl. Our temperatures were decent enough to do a little work outdoors so we headed out to carve a dough bowl.
Strapping down the blank. -
Making a Window Cornice
Over the weekend we decided to build a cornice for our bathroom window. Here is what the bathroom looked like after we finished the board and batten wall treatment.
Navy and white bathroom