Plywood End Grain Tray
When people hear the word plywood, I imagine they would think ugly, after all it is a utilitarian product in most cases. But a furniture grade plywood like birch can be very beautiful. I especially like the stripey end grain.
Making Beach Art Using Wood
We decided to use up some of our scrap wood to make a piece of art for the living room. I saw something similar on Pinterest and followed the link to Etsy. Yikes. I think they were asking around $400. I knew we could put our own spin on it and decided to give it a go. The first step was to start cutting strips of wood into varying widths and thicknesses on the table saw.
Changing up the Entryway
With the heat continuing outdoors (humidity sucks) work continues indoors. When we painted the living room two weeks ago, we brought the same paint into the entryway since they are open to each other. We just painted the upper portion of the walls knowing we would get around to finishing it off sooner or later. No time like the present.
Making a Window Cornice
Over the weekend we decided to build a cornice for our bathroom window. Here is what the bathroom looked like after we finished the board and batten wall treatment.
Navy and white bathroom -
Lamp Base from Plywood
Last year we made a round stacked plywood lamp base and it turned out awesome. I’ve been thinking about it lately and decided we really needed two of them.
Round plywood lamp base. -
Noah and his Ark of Animals
We are proud to offer our newest woodworking project, Noah and his Ark of Animals. We provide you with the full size blueprint. Simply trace, cut and paint! This plywood project is sized 36 x 48 inches. We also offer custom sizing too if you want it larger or smaller.
Wagon Wheel Picnic Table
Before we sell new plans in our store Jim likes to build a prototype just to ensure all parts are the correct size and also to create a booklet to go with the plan to help describe the steps in building the project.
The beginning stage -
Short week!
So much to do and so little time. Thats how it seems anyways. We haven’t had a chance to mill anymore poplar logs and now we have a pile of pine to get done before winter. We have a running list in the office and other things have to get done first.
A lady in our neck of the woods contacted Jim to see if he would have time to install a new glass storm door for her.
Holding up the house -
Kings United Church: Sign #2
The last thing on our to-do list for Kings United Church was to make a new sign for beside the new front doors.
The before. -
Kings United Church: Sign #1
The folks at Kings United Church asked for two new signs for the church. One for beside the front doors (which Jim is working on) and another for the side of the church that faces the road. So we got to work on the largest sign first.
Large sign for side of the church.