Dragonfly Pet Pins with Bonus Hummingbird Scrollsaw Pattern PDF
In less than 15 minutes you can take a scrap piece of wood only a couple inches long and make yourself a decorative scarf ornament with your scroll saw, our Dragonfly Pet Pin. 2-3/4 inches wide. Full size drawings. Free woodworking plan for hummingbird also included.
Dolphin Pet Pins with Bonus Hummingbird Scrollsaw Pattern PDF
In less than 15 minutes you can take a scrap piece of wood only a couple inches long and make yourself a decorative scarf ornament with your scroll saw, our Dolphin Pet Pin. 3 incheslong. Full size drawings. Custom sizing available.
Finished Dimensions:
Width: 3 inches (7.6 cm) -
Giraffe Pet Pin Scrollsaw Pattern PDF includes Hummingbird pattern
In less than 15 minutes you can take a scrap piece of wood only a couple inches long and make yourself a decorative scarf ornament with your scroll saw, our Giraffe Pet Pin. 2-3/4 inches tall. Full size drawings. Custom sizing available.
Finished Dimensions:
Height: 2.75 inches (7 cm)
Width: 2.25 inches (5.7 cm) -
Elephant PLUS Hummingbird Scrollsaw Woodworking Plan PDF
A new woodowrking plan we created today and added to our online store. Download the pdf, and spend 15 minutes in the workshop. Quite literally in 30 minutes you can have one of these pinned to your favourite knitted scarf or hat.
Moose Pet Pin Scrollsaw Pattern PDF
After watching an episode of Land & Sea (“The Best of …”show) I was out in the workshop cutting some new Pet Pins, and this one just came to me as an idea for another. Easy to make with a scroll saw and scrap wood. You can download the woodworking plan in our online store. Full size drawings. And this pattern also includes the Hummingbird pattern.
Turtle Pet Pin Woodworking Pattern PDF
In less than 15 minutes you can take a scrap piece of wood only a couple inches long and make yourself a decorative scarf ornament with your scrollsaw, our Turtle Pet Pin. Also included is our Hummingbird Pet Pin 05-WC-0602. Full size drawings. Custom sizing available.
Finished Dimensions:
Height: 2.5 inches (6.4 cm) -
Tabletop Reindeer
Today I cut out a knock-down tabletop size reindeer, it stands 15 inches tall and only requires four board parts to build. The following pictures are the basic steps to create this cut little reindeer, easy to make in about 20 minutes.
Bobwhite Downloadable Scrollsaw Woodcrafting Pattern PDF
This wildlife design of a bobwhite walking through the underbrush is very delicate and must be cut and handled very carefully.
Hummingbird Scrollsaw Downloadable Scrollsaw Woodcrafting Pattern PDF
This wildlife design of a hummingbird gathering nectar is very delicate and must be cut and handled very carefully. A spiral blade will minimize turning the project and small detail lines are much easier to cut. Cut small details last to minimize vibration.
Owl Scrollsaw Pattern PDF
A revised scrollsaw plan, this owl has been reformatted to download as a PDF.