Kitchen stove lower drawer DIY fix
Have you ever had to eventually struggle with the lower drawer that most kitchen ranges seen to have? Usually the wheels located at the back of the drawer wear prematurely. They just don’t make things to last nowadays. A DIY fix was in order and today was the day to make it happen.
Cup Cake Rack Woodworking Plan
This 4 tier cup cake rack (aka cupcake tree) can hold up to 83 cupcakes on four trays.
Homemade donair meat
We don’t get to the city often (Halifax) and its about the only place we know that has decent donairs. So after a bit of searching we found this recipe online. Trying it out this morning. Super simple to make.
Mason jar spice rack
Mason Jar Spice Rack I like having ingredient out where I can see them, maybe its due to the years working in the bakery where everything was on open shelves, easy to get and see. Whether its for easy access, seeing when we’re getting low on some ingredient or inspiration on the next recipe.. which reminds me, I have a jar of dried apricots looking to become a tasty treat. 🙂
Refinishing solid oak kitchen cabinets
A cheap portable spray booth. This kitchen cabinet set is 25 years old and it featured door handles in the middle of the door panel. They wanted new hardware and the door handles moved to the lower corner of the doors.
Community center bar storage solutions
Soda pop can storage I was called to provide a storage solution for behind the bar service at a local community center. The bartenders wanted a a easy access solution to open cans of pop while at the same time easy to clean. Dried, spilled soda pop is a sticky mess. There was also a need for a center cabinet for liquor bottles. After consulting with them for their needs here is my solution.
DIY Kitchen Island
This is a kitchen island that will be L-shaped and will be a work area and breakfast bar. The work area 24″x48″ will is standard counter height (35″) and the breakfast bar will be 5 inches higher.
DIY Kitchen Renovations
DIY kitchen renovation I totally gutted the kitchen and replaced it with the set shown below. This was a fairly straight forward job. The hardwood flooring went in later. The cabients are made from Newfoundland Birch, with a natural finish. The cabinet system was part of a kitchen manufacturer’s store display and I purchased it at a 60% discount price. Luckily all the parts fit with two base cabinets left over.
Bakery Menu Chalkboards
Chalk board paint With a need to update the look of the menu presentation of a local bakery I was presented with the task of making custom menu boards to blend in with the interior of the customer service area. The following pictures are a few snapshots of the work.
Window valence
Country kitch door valence Made from 3/4″ pine I “eyeballed” this project from a picture in a magazine. A fairly straightforward project in design. The gingerbread in the center had to be cut with a jigsaw. The piece was obviously too large for a scroll saw. The front section is one solid piece. The end strips were carefully spread apart to fit in the spindles.