Reading the moisture content
All is not what it seems when it comes to measuring the moisture content in firewood. A live tree such as birch hardwood that is cut fresh off the stump, (aka ‘green’) then split and stacked, should have a very high moisture content.
Kiln drying firewood in June
Too bad I didn’t figure that out until the drying cycle was over but apparently some saw dust had plugged up the drain line on the kiln’s compressor.
Kiln drying firewood
Mid winter and not much sunshine these past few weeks. Couple that with a snow storm or two, its a bit difficult to keep the wood dry outdoor. So its time to employ the kiln to finish off the drying process.
Kiln Building: The Floor
After spraying the foam insulation, next up on the kiln was putting in a wood floor. Oh, we are getting so close to finishing. We started with coating the floor joists with a roofing tar to seal up all remaining cracks.
Spray Foam Insulation in the Kiln Building
Woohoo, the day has finally arrived!! We are getting ever closer to finishing this project. With the kiln doors installed, spray foam insulation is now being added to the kiln building. So fun…so expensive. Can’t really complain though, so far the only expenses have been the steel roof, the man door and the hinges. Everything else we had on hand or made ourselves, meaning we milled all the lumber on the sawmill.
Back to Work on the Kiln Building
How is it the middle of October already? We have a to-do list that needs to be finished before winter arrives. We last left off on this kiln building project when we set up the kiln’s computer. We decided to work on the two most important things first. Finishing up the firewood (we have a long way to go) and working on the kiln building. We are busy splitting kindling in our spare time and evenings ( short as they are) but spent some time furthering the progress on the kiln building too.
Kiln Shed: Setting up the Unit
We last left off with starting the electrical. While waiting for the electrician to get back and finish his work, we had some work to do ourselves to prepare. First up was getting the computer portion of the kiln in place. And before that could be done, Jim had to build a shelter for it since it gets attached to the outside of the building.
Our Kiln has arrived.
Well hello there. Long time no see. Hope you had a great Christmas. Ours was low-key. As of Christmas eve we still had no snow and the lake was mostly open.
Toooo soon