Painted Drop Cloth Pillow Covers
I’ve been on the hunt for new 20 x 20 pillow covers for the sofa for months. First I checked local then the real search began on the internet. Everything was either too plain, too dark, to busy, or more commonly… too expensive. I did find one set I liked but they were over $80. Just for pillow covers, not actual pillows! I can find a lot of things to spend $80 on but not pillow covers. Especially when I can make my own for much less.
DIY Potato Stamp on Fabric
A while back I painted grain sack pillow covers and while I still love them, they can’t be washed because I used regular latex paint for the stripes. This time I decided after perusing Pinterest, that I would try my hand at using a potato stamp.
Drop Cloth Wreath
I’ve been browsing Pinterest again. I came across a drop cloth wreath, went to check out the tutorial, and went down a rabbit hole. Long story short… I decided I needed one of those in my life.
Drop cloth wreath. -
DIY Monogramed Placemats
Over the holidays we had pretty Christmas placemats on the table and once they were put away the table looked a little bare. So the only practical thing to do was to make some. Now, I have never made placemats, but that never stopped me before. I have made table runners from drop cloths (CanadianTire.ca Bennett Canvas Drop Sheets #049-4818-8) so same steps apply, just a different size. I only have a few pieces of drop cloth left over from when I made drapes with painted stripes, and did a quick measurement to make sure there was enough. Eureka!