Lighthouse Christmas Tree Topper
Can you guess which lighthouse this represents?? Ok, so you need a hint?? It’s in Newfoundland. No? It’s Cape Spear Lighthouse. I’ll wait ’till you do a search for it.
Hardwood Floors With A Twist
When we built this house some 18 years ago (where did the time go!) we had the same berber carpet put in all the bedrooms. Fast forward those 18 years and it was time to change our bedroom flooring. The other bedrooms see very little traffic so they will probably outlast us.
Metal and Wood Centerpiece
I didn’t know what to call this really. Saw something similar on pinterest and thought…I would like to have one of those and it could be fun to make.
Cantilevered Plant Stand
This was a quick and fun project that I can now cancel off the ol’ to-do list. I’ve seen them called cantilevered stand or anti-gravity stand. What ever you call it, I have one now. I’ve seen them hold a fish bowl with water so should be strong enough for a small plant.
Kitchen stove lower drawer DIY fix
Have you ever had to eventually struggle with the lower drawer that most kitchen ranges seen to have? Usually the wheels located at the back of the drawer wear prematurely. They just don’t make things to last nowadays. A DIY fix was in order and today was the day to make it happen.
How I built Jim a Mobile Scroll Saw Table
Ha ha. Actually I just helped, but seems someone was taking pictures unbeknownst to me. So without further ado…here is how it went down.
DIY Fairy Door
Every spring we write out a to-do list for the year, most of which we get done and if not it gets carried over for the next year. Anything from build a new deck to paint the baseboards gets put on the list. Quite a few of them for this year are outdoor things which require more consistent warm weather. There is something very satisfying about crossing a finished job off the list.
Plywood End Grain Tray
When people hear the word plywood, I imagine they would think ugly, after all it is a utilitarian product in most cases. But a furniture grade plywood like birch can be very beautiful. I especially like the stripey end grain.
How To Make An Oval Rope Basket
So far I have made a round rope basket with leather handles, a cat face rope bowl, and next I decided to make a long oval rope basket. It is actually more of an oblong trough shape instead of a basket.
Justice League Logo
We had a request for a large logo made from layers of wood. We were sent a picture of the logo and the measurements they wanted the finished piece to be.