Maritime Bar Stool and Table Combo Full Size Woodworking Plans
Maritime Bar Stool and Table Combo Full Size Woodworking Plans Some folks call them bar chairs, others call them lifeguard chairs. Our chair is styled in keeping with our Maritime furniture collection. The chair has the option to build an adjustable foot rest, and the side table is included as well.
Plastival.com Vinyl Deck Railing
Today we started installing a vinyl deck railing system made by a Canadian company from Quebec called Plastival. We purchased the kits from Central Home Improvement Warehouse in Antigonish.
This is a completely new decking system for me to install. So follow along in a few short videos of the different sections of railing, tips on cutting vinyl and other things learned along the way.
Decks and Cakes
Early mornings This morning we have the task of building a deck for one of our mom’s. There’s things to do before we can go over. A neighbour is coming over for a hair cut so while Gina is busy with that, I had to fill in my time.
Under Deck Lighting
ScotianHomes builder installs under deck lighting So this is what happens when a new home owner wants under deck lighting and they listen to the home builder.
Vinyl wrapping a deck post
Pre-planning for the vinyl trim Let’s begin by showing the end. If you know how its suppose to end, it will help you in your planning to get there.
Deck rebuilt
Deck rebuilt Rebuilt and stripped clean, new post and new panels. Ready to stain!
Planter boxes – out with the old
Deck waste The spoils of war. The war on water infiltration and wood rot. Its surprising the amount of wood that can pile up from even a partial deck deconstruction.
Planter box moisture damage.
Sunroom on the deck screens and final pictures
Sunroom screens 1 A few final pictures. I didn’t get a chance to take many pictures of building the screens. But here’s a few points to remember.
Sunroom on the deck part 6
Sunroom deck construction 18 Here are some close up pictures of the top part of the structure to accomodate the glass.