The Firewood Process
Remember a few weeks ago I showed you the pile of hardwood we bartered skidsteer hours for. Well we spent the weekend working on it. First thing Saturday morning we loaded up the truck and headed out to the location about 10 minutes from home.
CBN Plated Chainsaw Sharpening
Uniformity in design brings consistency in results. When it comes to chainsaw sharpening, consistency in the tooth sharpening and rake height means that your job of sawing through wood takes less effort. You literally have an easier job of slicing through the wood.
Firewood and Dog Sitting Round 3
We picked the second hottest day so far this year to start getting firewood ready for the winter. The first hottest day was the day we cut them down. We must be cracked. Or have very bad timing. We still have about 3 cords left from last year, but that’s not enough to get us through the winter. We usually use about 5 – 6 cords a year but its always nice to have extra. We started by cutting up the small parts of the rock maple we cut down a few weeks ago. The one large log from the base of the tree will go on the mill later.
Cutting Large Stumps
If you remember last fall we cut down about ten trees at my Moms house, and we had left the stumps. Not because we were lazy, but because Jim needed an excuse to buy a new tool. Couldn’t finish the job until the order was placed and picked up. Well, now there is no excuse so we headed over to finish the job.
Making Wooden Rabbits
We recently had a request for some wooden rabbits. Any project that starts out with the chainsaw is a project worth doing in Jims book. We didn’t have to go very far to find the right size tree for rabbit making.
Carving a Dough Bowl
Todays post is brought to you by the number 2 and the letter L. Ha. Anyone remember what tv show that was from? First person gets a prize. On to todays project: carving a dough bowl. Our temperatures were decent enough to do a little work outdoors so we headed out to carve a dough bowl.
Operation: Pine Tree Removal
One of our spring jobs is crossed of the old to-do list, in winter no less. We were asked by my Aunt across the lake to take down five pine trees in the spring. They stood about 40 feet tall and were located quite close to her house. After the last wind storm, lots of branches broke off making a mess on her lawn. Most living branches were about 20 or more feet up. The rest were gone. This is what we started with.
Shed Removal
A local had Jim and I remove a large baby barn from their back yard. They just wanted it gone, contents and all. Sure. No problem. Here is what we were working with.
Weekend update
Happy Thanksgiving. We had a busy weekend.
On Friday afternoon, we met up with Dave Restoule, the arborist we worked with a few times before to take down the remaining trees at my Moms place. In May (hard to believe it was that long ago) we worked with Dave to take down, I think it was 4 maple trees that were 70 feet tall. Got a nice bit of firewood from those. Some were rotten at the base though.
Back in business
Wednesday afternoon we ran errands and that included picking up fuses for the skidsteer’s grapple. That evening Jim put in the new fuses and we were back in business. Thursday morning we worked in the office and then headed out to the mill to put a dent in the pile of logs we still have to mill.
Before we could begin we had to move the pile of lumber we already milled.