New bird to the area
This Purple Finch was at the feeder this morning, sharing with a bluejay and other finches. Shortly thereafter, this bird showed up in a clearing in front of the house, pecking at the logs on the ground. It’s a Northern Flicker!
Rose-breasted Grosbeak birds
After about 6-7 weeks of feeding black sunflower seeds to the locals, mostly Finches and American Goldfinches and Black Hat Chickadees, a couple grosbeaks how shown up. They are bigger than the finches, as is easily apparent in their efforts to squeeze onto the perch of the bird feeder and still be able to turn their head in and get seeds.
Mourning Dove in the neighborhood
This female Mourning Dove showed up today near the bird feeders. It sat on the stump for a bit, then flew up into a tree near the feeders.
Birds enjoying sunflower seeds
Just a couple shots at the feeder today.
This is where they park themselves, high up in a alder tree next to the house when they are spooked, or just resting.
When they decide to move back, they do so about 1-2 trees closer at a time. Eventually one gets brave enough to go to the feeder and not long after that it gets busy again.
Bird photo bomb
This snapshot I thought was quite funny. A close up of a purple finch, yet in the background there is another purple finch wanting to get in on the picture.
This was part of some recording I was doing of a small mesh feeder I made for the birds this spring.
Goldfinches line up
Spring storm brings the birds
A spring snow storm today brings the birds to the bird feeders more than normal. I guess with the ground being snow covered, the feeders make for easy pickings. That’s ok, we get a lot of enjoyment from watching them.
American Goldfinches
Spring has sprung, the birds are feeding, next thing you know, babies be tweeting. 🙂
For the birds
Just posting a couple videos to our Youtube channel, capturing a couple different birds at this new feeder I built the other day.
New cylinder screen bird feeder
I quite literally made this feeeder in about 20 minutes and mounted it on a 7ft tall log from the wood pile. Within 20 minutes the birds were feeding from it. 🙂 The platform has holes cut in it with a bug screen stapled over that.