Baby barn 16 x 12 ft finished
Over the course of 2 weeks we picked away at finishing the barn when we had time. We built the doors with T&G spruce. Over the course of 2006 he painted the barn and wired it with lights. I stopped back the following year for a picture.
Sheep farm feed bins
Here I build a 16 ft long by 32 inch wide feed bin for inside the sheep barn.
Sheep barn repairs
Both sides of this sheep barn has an entrance. Along side each door is the part of the plastic sheeting that rolls up for ventilation. This area of the barn’s design fails, in my opinion. So its my job to figure out a way to keep the plastic from tearing.
Baby barn 16 x 12 ft part 2
Today I helped by adding the kick-out on the gable end. Then we finished sheeting in the front and back and added the fascia board.
Baby barn 16 x 12 ft
A client asked for some help with a baby barn. Its dimensions are 16 ft long, 12 ft wide and 10 ft high at the collar tie on the truss. The chord length of the trusses are all 54-3/4 inches with 22-1/2 miter cut. The collar tie is a 8ft with the angle cut to tie into the top two chords. Trusses are to be nailed into the top plate of the 5 ft wall. That will make the roof flush with the side but I think we will flare out the roof to match the gable overhang of 6 inches.