Wood map of Nova Scotia, 26x17 inches #20231203, $155.00
Crafts,  Maps,  Painting

New Style Wood Map Of NS

The last wood map of Nova Scotia we completed was Wood Map Of NS With A Twist. When we cut out the map, we were left with the thin layer of plywood with the map cut out of it.

In these situations we get to use that to build a new map for sale. Jim wrote a post about how that is possible here. This time was no different except we were dealing with plywood instead of weathered boards.

I took that plywood cutout and painted it blue with a touch of black, white and grey brushed over it.

NS maps, wood map of NS,large ns map, map,crafts,woodworking,scrollsaw,weathered wood, NS folk art,
Cool right!!

Now for the background. We still wanted to incorporate weathered boards so Jim got to work on the table saw cutting out weathered boards to make a 16 x 24 inch backerboard.

NS maps, wood map of NS,large ns map, map,crafts,woodworking,scrollsaw,weathered wood, NS folk art,
Using both sides of a board.

Then it was time to get these puppies sanded.

NS maps, wood map of NS,large ns map, map,crafts,woodworking,scrollsaw,weathered wood, NS folk art,
Tight quarters…

Meanwhile, the back of the plywood map cutout got a ton of glue spread over it…

NS maps, wood map of NS,large ns map, map,crafts,woodworking,scrollsaw,weathered wood, NS folk art,
Still needs more glue.

…and placed directly on to the weathered boards.

NS maps, wood map of NS,large ns map, map,crafts,woodworking,scrollsaw,weathered wood, NS folk art,
Lining things up.

We added weights to the project to make sure there was good contact between the plywood and the weathered boards.

NS maps, wood map of NS,large ns map, map,crafts,woodworking,scrollsaw,weathered wood, NS folk art,
Left it to dry overnight.

The next day we removed the weights and here is where things stood.

NS maps, wood map of NS,large ns map, map,crafts,woodworking,scrollsaw,weathered wood, NS folk art,
Perfect. If I do say so myself.

Almost finished but this map is just screaming for a weathered frame.

Jim cut out the 4 pieces needed for the frame and glued and nailed them together after they were sanded. Then he used the router to make a groove on the inside of the frame so the project could sit within the frame and flush with the back of the frame.

NS maps, wood map of NS,large ns map, map,crafts,woodworking,scrollsaw,weathered wood, NS folk art,
Routing the frame from the back.

Here is the result of using the router on the frame.

NS maps, wood map of NS,large ns map, map,crafts,woodworking,scrollsaw,weathered wood, NS folk art,
Perfect. Just a little more sanding.

I took the frame into the house and got to work painting just the outside of the frame with two coats of black latex paint with a sanding between coats.

NS maps, wood map of NS,large ns map, map,crafts,woodworking,scrollsaw,weathered wood, NS folk art,
Cake anyone?

Once dry I headed back out to the workshop where Jim popped the map into the frame from behind and secured the two pieces together with the nail gun.

NS maps, wood map of NS,large ns map, map,crafts,woodworking,scrollsaw,weathered wood, NS folk art,
Almost finished.

After adding a hanger to the back, it was ready to hang and admire.

Here it is all finished…

NS maps, wood map of NS,large ns map, map,crafts,woodworking,scrollsaw,weathered wood, NS folk art,
The frame.
NS maps, wood map of NS,large ns map, map,crafts,woodworking,scrollsaw,weathered wood, NS folk art,
Finished size…26 x 17 inches.

If this map is still available when you are reading this, it can be found on our “For Sale” section at the top of the page.

I looked back through the “Previous Work” section of our site and saw that this is the first map we made like this with the weathered boards in behind. Of course the blue, which I think of as the water, could be swapped out for any color. I think it really highlights the weathered boards nicely. What say you?


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