Newfoundland Map Crib Boards
Ever play crib? It’s a fun game and we used to play but haven’t in a while. Great past time.
We received a request to make 2 maps of Newfoundland as crib boards. I believe they are for gifts. They also asked for each one to be a approximately 24 x 24 inches.
We have made several crib boards already and even one of Newfoundland. Then we had computer issues (is it only us???) and lost our files for maps. So…starting at the beginning we took a map of Newfoundland, zoomed in, and using the mouse, Jim traced the coastline.

Then we had to figure out the best placement of the holes and the pattern the holes would take to fit the maps.

Once we were satisfied with the hole pattern…

…2 copies were printed out on self adhesive vinyl and adhered to the wood.

With the scroll saw set up it was time to start cutting. After a couple hours we are at Terra Nova National Park.

When we got to the Avalon Peninsula, near Come By Chance, we had to cut outside the lines. Sort of like coloring outside the lines but less fun. The Peninsula is very narrow and by making it slightly thicker, we were hoping to make it a little stronger. We had to do the same at Port au Port on the west coast, as its a very narrow stretch of land that connects the peninsula to the island.

After another hour or so we had the first of two maps of Newfoundland.

Time to drill the holes for the crib board. For that we used the drill press.

We started down by St. Johns and made our way west towards Port aux Basques. We rounded the corner heading inland when….

The distance from the drill to the stand is 5 inches so there were a few holes in the very centre of the map that the drill couldn’t reach.
For those Jim free handed using a regular drill.

All that was left was to carefully peel off the vinyl, sand and sand some more, clean it all up with compressed air and give it a couple coats of clear finish.

We decided for a bonus we would try our hand at making pegs. Jim cut out small blanks on the scroll saw then did all of the shaping on the sander, being careful not to skin his fingers.
A little bit of this…

A little bit of that…

Then I painted them. We chose colors from the Newfoundland flag, the Labrador flag and the Canada flag.

And there you have it, two scrollsawn maps of Newfoundland made into crib boards with buoy pegs.

Now to get them entombed in bubble wrap for shipping. If the computer doesn’t loose the files for this map, we are all set to go for the next order.

Do you sale just the paper pattern
Jim Barry
HI, I could make it available for sale. I will send you an email to discuss.
Ben Mercer
Hi there! I’m hoping there might be a opportunity where I can buy/commission a couple sets of handcrafted (and painted) crib pegs as shown in your post – is this possible?
Thank you!
Jim Barry
I will send you an email.
Hey again, just wanted to follow-up because I haven’t heard from you – hope all is well!
Jim Barry
I sent you an email on Oct 3rd.
Chris brett
Looking to make a crib board of Newfoundland. Have a friend from SPain and would be a great gift for her to bring home. Wondering if I could buy just the stencil of Newfoundland with all the print of the holes.
Jim Barry
Hi Chris,
Sure,we can do that. I’ll send you an email.
Ralph Harris
Do you sell your NL crib pegs ?
Jim Barry
Yes we do. Send us an email if you wish to discuss. Thanks.
Barry Pike
I’m interested in the pattern for the Newfoundland crib board. Do you sell those
Jim Barry
Hi, I can sell a copy of it. Send me an email to discuss what size you want. – Jim
Barry Pike
I would like a price on a scroll saw pattern of Newfoundland map crib board. Around 15-16 inch
Jim Barry
$9.95 plus shipping and taxes. Send me an email if you wish to purchase.
Barry Pike
I’ll be travelling all day tomorrow. Will email you on Monday. What is your email address? I don’t see it on the site and don’t really want to post publicly
Jim Barry
Email address is embedded in the top image banner of this web site.