Wooden Santa Ornaments
It’s that time of year again when thoughts turn to Christmas. Ha…is that cheesy or what? Just kidding anyhow, cause Christmas is my least favourite time of the year. However, I do like making things…and one can never have enough ornaments. Not the store bought kind, the homemade kind of course.
While browsing Pinterest, I came across similar Santa ornaments and thought…I could make those and I think I will.
The idea was put on Jims to-do list, but he was busy with other things and I was getting impatient. I headed out to the workshop to check out the scrap wood pile and it was my lucky day. I found a couple of boards 1/2 inch thick.
I drew the Santa bodies with a marker onto the wood…
and then thought…what would Jim use to cut these out…hmmm. Guessing either the bandsaw or the scroll saw. Seeing as how the scroll saw was tucked away and the bandsaw was in plain view, I decided to use that.
I simply cut out around each of the bodies (sounds weird), so far so good.
Each piece needed to be sanded. I knew what tool to use for that…duh. The drill press! Just kidding.
Then I drew a dozen moustaches onto even thinner material. I found some scrap 1/4 inch thick craft plywood. Perfect. Again, even though I knew better, I headed to the bandsaw to cut out the smaller pieces. Blade too big, piece to small. This is where Jim showed up to see what I was up to. He said his spidey senses were tingling. He got the scroll saw out and cut out the remaining moustaches. Hey…I was going to do that next.
With all cutting done, it was time to drill a hole in each Santa for hanging purposes. I could have done that too but I “allowed” Jim to do it.
Next up, painting. The fun stuff. All Santas got a red stocking cap with white trim.
All moustaches got painted white.
This is where I realized I forgot the noses. For this I did need Jims help. Back in the workshop we took a small branch (you could use dowels) and sliced it on the bandsaw. Boom…noses.
Now was time for assembly. One body, one moustache, one nose and one string. I simply used hot glue to attach everything to the body.
Here is my finished collection of Santa ornaments.
Just for the record, I really could have done the whole thing by myself but it is always better when you have a partner in crime, am I right?