Making a GPS Sign
We needed one more ‘thing’ to fill out our wall of ‘things’. First we decided on the size and shape. We figured something about 8 x 20 would be best, so a long rectangle. With that information we decided to make a sign with our GPS co-ordinates on it. Here is where we plan for it to go.
We had already calculated our co-ordinates when we made this sign for our yard earlier this year.
Jim sized our information on the computer and printed it out. Then headed out to the workshop to cut a board down to size.
I took the board and did a whitewash using white paint we have on hand. Once dry I did a quick hand sanding and was ready to transfer the numbers onto the board.
Here are the numbers transferred to the board using tracing paper and a pencil.
This is where I made my fatal mistake. Thinking it would be quicker, and it was, I used a black paint pen.
My plan was to age the sign using stain. Normally if you wipe stain over paint it instantly ages the item. Perfect, I thought. I’ve done it many times in the past. Um… apparently you can’t wipe stain over paint pen. Sh&%!
It just set me back a step. I managed to fix it with white paint so I didn’t end up saving time by using the paint pen after all. If I had painted the numbers on with a brush that wouldn’t have happened.
Once I got everything fixed, Jim gave it a light hand sanding to knock back the shine from the paint pen and got to work building a frame.
I painted the frame navy. Then sanded down the edges slightly and rubbed stain over the frame so the exposed edges would be darker. We attached the frame to the sign and added a hanger on the back.
With that we were ready to hang it up.
Like I said earlier, it was made for our wall of ‘things’. After trying it there we decided this spot was better so that’s where it landed.
Lets just hope the numbers were correct the first time we figured them out. Otherwise we just made a sign of a strangers coordinates to display in our newly revamped entryway. If you would like a sign with your coordinates, shoot us a message. If these are your coordinates, shoot me.