Maps,  Scrollsaw

Making an End Grain Wood Map of Nova Scotia

We’ve had some sugar maple wood slices in the paint room drying for several months now. We’ve made platters and trays and cookies too. Now its time to try something new. How about scroll cutting sugar maple end grain and see what happens? The short video below shows the snail’s pace that is needed.

Nova Scotia,wood maps,hand crafted,hand made in Nova Scotia,Antigonish County
Wood map of Nova Scotia No. 60

It took nearly three times as long as it would of been to cut out a similar sized map from a regular piece of 3/4 inch thick pine. Going in we knew that it would take longer, its hardwood after all. That and the 4 blades that broke during the process.

Nova Scotia,wood maps,hand crafted,hand made in Nova Scotia,Antigonish County
Map making with the scrollsaw.


But it was well worth it in the end. We think it turned out really nice and unique. Here is a closeup of the thickness of the wood slice.

wood maps, Nova Scotia,end grain,scrollsawing
Sugar maple end grain wood maps.

I love how the bark is still intact. We decided not to put a backboard on these and just let the wall color show through. It could be displayed on a plate stand like this…

Nova Scotia map cut into a slice of maple wood.
Another favorite piece

Or hung on the wall like this…

DIY wood slice scroll saw map of Nova Scotia
Hey there Jim

Either way it is a one of a kind piece. Each one different. This particular one is for sale on our product page.


A Newfoundland born Canadian with a life long interest in woodworking, baking and anything else that peaks my curiosity.

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