Porcupine from Hell
Let me start off by saying WE LOVE NATURE. Don’t have a problem with all the little critters, some are even cute from a distance. But we do have a problem when they start destroying our property. Like our latest porcupine from hell.
There are lots of ways to make things less tempting for wildlife. For example our newly planted fruit trees are all enclosed with wire cages, because once they have eaten the tree it’s too late. Here is one of our fruit trees last summer.
And this picture shows you the damage the porcupine did to the pine tree about a month ago. It’s going to die.
Back to the problem at hand. Let me start by saying this has been going on for about a year. We were blaming the rabbits since there are always two distinct tooth marks. Yesterday morning around 5am we were awakened by a strange noise outdoors. Jim had a look out the window but didn’t see anything right away. But since we were awake for the day, Jim went outside to investigate further.
Looks minor right. Wrong. He really did a number on the lattice we have running along the back porch. The ground was covered in bits of plastic. We got the flashlight out and caught this grainy picture from under the deck.
Here is another picture of his handy work.
And this is how he managed to get under the deck. He dug out the rocks between the planter box and the steps.
We had to get him out so Jim unscrewed the panel at the other end to give him an escape route.
Since he was in the far corner, Jim stuck the broom handle in through the lattice to get him moving towards the opening. It worked.
Between me stomping my feet on the deck and Jim working the broom handle, we managed to send him flying out the opening. That doesn’t help our lattice and I’m sure he will be back. But for now he’s gone.
This is a video Jim took while escorting him back to the woods.