Kiln Shed: Tarps and Strapping
Its been a couple of weeks since we worked on the kiln shed trusses. Either the weather was lousy or we were busy, but yesterday we had a lovely spring day and a couple of hours to spare in the afternoon. Check out the blue sky. Beautiful.

Most times when you see a shed being built plywood would be the next step, but we like to be different. Just kidding. Actually, we just need a barrier between the spray foam and the outside cladding.

The spray foam will make the building air tight, and if we do board and batten or metal on the outside, we don’t want the spray foam directly on that.

I swear I was helping. Just stopped long enough to catch Jim at work.
For the strapping we were using lumber which we milled earlier this year from that first pile. They are all the same thickness but random widths.

Some we used just as they were…

Some we Jim had to cut in half down the length to make two from one wide board. Considering we had only three snowfalls this winter, we still have little patches of snow here and there.

With the two long sides wrapped in tarp and strapping, we continued to the back.

Here is what it looks like so far from the inside.

The next fine day we will tackle the inside ceiling the same way, tarps and strapping and then its onto the roofing materials already bought and set aside. One thing at a time.