Sending Smoke Signals
Happy Friday. Weather here is still holding on the warmer-than usual side. No snow yet, knock on wood. I’m sure it’s not too far off now. Plenty of rain though. I’ll take it.
We decided to try burning some of the brush from when we cleared more space behind our work yard. Everything was wet, which was a good and bad thing. Good so we wouldn’t accidentally start a forest fire, bad because well…fire and water.

The box had scraps from the workshop to get the fire started. Then Jim kept piling on the brush.

And more brush…

My only goal was not to smell like smoke, not easy.

Since we started so late in the afternoon, we didn’t make too much of a dent in the brush pile. Looks like in the spring we will have to haul the chipper back there to get rid of the rest. Good news, the water is still flowing out the end of the weeping tile we put in earlier.
On a completely different note, we finished another crib board of Newfoundland. Customer gave all of the size requirements and wording that they wanted painted on it.

Those boards on the back are two 10 inch boards edge joined together. Guess where they came from!! We milled them on the sawmill. Full circle people!
Have a great weekend.