The view from above
We have a friend with a cottage down the lake from us who is a flight instructor. A few weeks ago he sent an email telling us he would be flying in our neck of the woods. Yesterday he sent along a few photos from the helicopter.

Thats our house!!! So fun to see things from a different prospective. Most of the leaves had already fallen from the trees but I bet it would be spectacular with the fall colors.
I like this one even more with the lake in view. Might have to blow this one up. You can see a break in the trees that follows along the property between our house and the lake. That is our walking path. Used to be an old woods road that we have worked hard to keep open, if not it would close in with alders and trees in no time.

The land looks flatter in these photos than it is in real life. We live uphill from the lake and across the highway the hill continues up the mountain.
He also sent along this one too, not bad from a moving helicopter.

If you look closely we were standing on the front deck waving to him.
Hopefully by Wednesday we will be finished working on the neighbours flooring. I’ll be sure to show you the final results.