Friday Again.
Hard to believe how fast the weeks go by. Not complaining that its Friday but just sayin.
Our one apple is ripe and ready to pick 😉  We went for a walk yesterday to check out the other wild apple trees on our property and were surprised that there weren’t as many apples this year. Did pick one and had a bite expecting it to be sour but it was really good.
Most leafy trees are still green but there is the occasional one that has started to turn.
This is the path we take when we go for a walk. It was an old woods road that my father used when he was cutting Christmas trees. We want to keep it open, Jim mows part of it but we have to get in there in the fall and widen a section of it that has started to grow over. It goes down to the lake and it is very beautiful down there.
We did come across the occasional bear droppings. Yikes. Time to get out the trail cam again. We also saw a deer with her baby this morning from the kitchen window.
If you remember we had a very large wasps nest on the house. Jim had knocked it down at least a dozen times and they get to work right away rebuilding it.
Then Jim took more drastic measures…
I did see one or two working at it after that. Hopefully they will give up before Jim does.
Jim worked a bit more on the shipping container, this time the doors. We doubled up the strapping to clear the handles, then started on the vertical pieces.
For the door handles Jim attached the horizontal boards with french cleats. When we want to open the doors, we will just lift off the two boards and open the door.
Working out the kinks.