Buildings,  Machinery,  Milling Lumber,  Outdoors

Shipping Container: 2nd Side

On the weekend we started on the second side of the shipping container board and batten project.

All dressed up and no place to go!!

I’ll keep this post short since all steps were detailed on the first side. I will say we were winging it on the first side and now we had to stop and think while trying to re-create the process.

This time I counted the number of holes Jim had to blast into the side for the strapping. A whopping 210. And nothing caught fire! Unless you count Jims jacket. Ouch.


Then the strapping went up.

All went smoothly.

One issue with doing this side is there isn’t much room to work with ladders. With the shorter ladder in the ditch it was too short. The longer ladder in the ditch was very steep but thats what we had to go with.

Here I am trying to figure out the ladder situation.


An extra step we took on this side was to blast holes in the lower edge to allow water to escape.

Saying a prayer.

So it took a full day to get the holes in the container and get the strapping installed.

And a full day of milling logs to make the board and batten. That log on the left was the most fun. I think it was the largest we milled so far in our milling career 🙂 Awesome.

Ready to mill.

Here it is on the mill.


Want to see two nut jobs trying to take a pic with Jims cell phone? We hardly ever use it for pictures. Quality isn’t great and …

Oops…its backwards.

It took us another afternoon to get the board and batten installed. This time we got smart and measured each board so the bottom is level.

Side #2.

Before we could call it finished, we snapped a chalk line on the other side at the bottom and Jim cut those ends even.

He will be glad to be finished.

That concludes the two longest sides. Still deciding what we are going to do with the end. Trying to decide if we will cut out for a door or not, and sliding or barn door. I think I forgot to mention in the beginning we plan to put a roof on it that will extend over the sawmill. That too is still in the drawing stages and could be a job for next summer.


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