Weekend Happenings
This weekend Jim was feeling much better but the weather didn’t cooperate enough for us to be productive on our outdoor projects. Two more days of rest never hurt anyone I always say.

So we got caught up on stocking the freezer with hamburger buns, bread and pizza shells.

Fun fact: We’ve eaten pizza every Saturday night for the past 27 years. Thats at least 52 pizzas a year (sometimes more) for 27 years. Thats 1,404 pizzas not counting special occasions like birthdays or sometimes Wednesdays.
We also made pita shells for donairs and chicken wraps.

I think choc chip cookies gotta be Jims favorite. Whenever we are getting low on goodies and its time to bake, these appear.

Now I don’t want you to think all we did was eat all weekend. We also sat and watched the hummingbirds while waiting for the oven bell to ring. So entertaining.

I also saw on a few occasions yesterday where two hummers were taking turns drinking from the same hole when all other stations were occupied. Cooperation. Lately I’ve been doubling the size of the sugar/water to 8 cups at a time. Can’t seem to keep up with them. They polish that off in a little over a day.

Supposed to be a good week weather wise so perhaps we can get back outdoors…you know…when we aren’t working at our day jobs.