Landscaping,  Machinery

Culvert install


woods roads,property maintenance
recycling culvert

This 20ft culvert I found on our property, discarded by the Dept of Hwys eons ago when they did road improvements. They just tossed it aside down an embankment on the other side of the brook. It is rusted out on its bottom hence the replacement. But it would work good enough for me because the other day I priced out 20ft of black plastic culvert and was surprised that it was going to cost about $400. Ouch!

This morning, Gina and I winched it across the brook, dragged it back to the house and dropped it in place.  It actually went smoothly for a change. Then I used the Skidsteer to cover it in with dirt, now our woods road is open again after being ditched out last year.

“new” culvert

Next up is moving this mountain…

large pile of fill



A Newfoundland born Canadian with a life long interest in woodworking, baking and anything else that peaks my curiosity.

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