
Woodland Owl

wood pile,animals,owls,primitive crafts
Whoo has an idea of what I am about to do?

With some scrap log bits, there must be something that can be made from it.

Well here is an early version of my Woodland Owl.

wood pile,animals,owls,primitive crafts
Whoo wood of thought?

Gina thought the owl needed ears so I took the scraps from the scraps 🙂 and clipped on some ears.

wood pile,animals,owls,primitive crafts
Whooo’s on the hot seat now?
wood pile,animals,owls,primitive crafts
Whoo likes to get their picture taken?
wood pile,animals,owls,primitive crafts
Whooo’s hungry?
wood pile,animals,owls,primitive crafts
Whooo’s tired of these pun? 😉


A Newfoundland born Canadian with a life long interest in woodworking, baking and anything else that peaks my curiosity.

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