Wood Map Nova Scotia No 13 framed
![wood maps,Nova Scotia,scrollsawing](http://woodchuckcanuck.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/20160817-woodmapNovaScotia13-800x450.jpg)
I am pleased with this wooden map of Nova Scotia that I made this August 2016. I was going to make two different maps from the two parts of the cutting, a negative and positive so to speak. Then I thought that making a 3D coastal map and frame it would be nice idea. Here is a close up of the map.
![scrollsawing,wooden maps,crafts,Nova Scotia](http://woodchuckcanuck.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/20160817-woodmapNovaScotia13b-800x450.jpg)
I will be selling this wooden map so check the Items For Sale page link at the top of the page. It is titled ‘Nova Scotia Wood Map No 13’.
![preparation,scrollsawing,wooden maps,crafts,Nova Scotia](http://woodchuckcanuck.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/20160817-woodmapNovaScotia13c-450x800.jpg)
![ruough sawn lumber,scrollsawing,wooden maps,crafts,Nova Scotia](http://woodchuckcanuck.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/20160817-woodmapNovaScotia13d-450x800.jpg)