3D moose head

Had some fun in the workshop this weekend making use of a leftover piece of plywood.
The moose head mounts on the plaque provided with the plan but I thought it would be fun to split a block of wood and mount it that way. There’s a couple ways to go about making the moose. One way is to cut away all the parts and then fit them all together. Which is a fairly straight forward process until you get to attaching the antlers to the head parts. The designer of this plan choose to use small joiner parts to accomplish that. Now with hindsight, I would suggest attaching the antler parts to the corresponding head part for a good, long lasting fit.
I haven’t painted this one yet but I’ll probably give it a white wash and sand off the edges for a rustic country look. I sell this plan in the online store and its available as a paper plan or a PDF download. If you make one, send along some pictures!
Below is a short video on some tips to sue during the building process.