Maritime maps from pallet boards

(Updated Aug 03 2015)
Gina had asked for a map of Nova Scotia cut out from boards and she wanted to make it from pallet boards. Easy? Well, yes and no. Yes, I have plenty of pallet boards in a stack out behind the workshop. No, I have never cut out a map of Nova Scotia before, or any other province for that matter. One way to know for sure is to try it and see what happens. Once she was done with the dry brushing technique, it was my turn.
Its starts with a outline of the map and deciding just how big it has to be made. 3 ft is a nice round number 🙂 Then its to choose the boards and follow that up with some dry paint brushing.

After edge gluing the boards with the help of some biscuits, I took the jig saw with a narrow scroll blade and did a rough cut outline of the map.

Then it was to start the cutting of all the little cove and inlets that make up the maritime province.

I started out cutting the detail work with the jig saw. Starting at the northeastern shoreline near the town of Guysborough. By the time I got down to the southern shore, the arms were getting a little tired. 🙂 And then the inevitable happened, a piece broke off.

We took pictures and video of cutting the project and show all the little bumps along the way. A couple hours of video compressed into about 20 minutes. If you have the time, our video is below. I would love to get your comments, questions and feedback, which you post below.

Sunday July 27 2015

A nice lady by the name of Selina was kind enough to order a couple of these. I started by sorting, planing and matching the boards. Notice in the background that there are maps of PEI and NB. I have not tried to make them yet but they are on the to-do list.

Meanwhile Gina is busy in the kitchen applying the finish for the first map.
It takes quite a bit of time to find, sort, repair and match boards. So I thought about cutting from a piece of thin plywood and would sell for less of course since it takes less time. If someone is interested in that or would like to pass comment, please feel free to leave your comments below.

Update August 01 2015
Continuing to work on the wooden maps for Selina. Trying some new brand of spiral scrollsaw blades. They appear to be stronger and longer lasting, but it all depends on the wood I’m cutting through. Pallet wood can be almost anything, some easy, some not so easy and of course there are the unknowns like hidden nails and staples which can wreck a blade instantly.

One done …

and another almost done.

August 03 2015
Busy in the workshop yesterday, I completed the second map, cut the third of Nova Scotia and even squeezed time to do a map of Prince Edward Island. The PEI map while a little smaller, took just as much work and broke just as many blades. Typically breaking 4 to complete each map.

One of the maps was I able to completely cut without breaking the outside (scraps). I was thinking of maybe doing something with it. Not sure yet if someone would be interested in that.

A few done and ready for pre-ordered customers.