Christmas Rocking Horse Ornament

This Rocking Horse ornament literally can be done in an hour, not including the time for paint to dry between coats of course 🙂
Paints lined up and ready to go, I started with painting the larger areas all brown, and then painted in the saddle and bridle after the brown paint dired. That’s the easiest way to do a project like this. I used a scrap piece of 1/8 inch thick plywood that’s been kicking around the lumber rack for years. Sure is nice to make use of scrap wood pieces. I’m pretty sure I had salvaged it from the back of a kitchen cabinets years ago. Now it will hang on the Christmas tree or in the window from one of those suction cup thingamajigs. 🙂

The rocking horse ornament pattern is available for immediate download in our store. We can even resize it to whatever your needs are, maybe in the yard or on the wall in the kids playroom? Let me know!
I’m not the greatest paint… heck, I’m not even a good painter, so sometimes I cheat and make the black outlines with a marker. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. oh well.  🙂
- Finished Rocking Horse Ornament