Christmas Candles #129

With the pattern in hand (downloadable PDF available to purchase in our online store), its easy to make changes to a woodworking plan. In this case we took a 15 inch tall candle and made it 36 inches tall. Why? Why not! 🙂

The plan comes with two patterns, pictured above I printed out the short candle on 11×17 inch paper and sized it how I wanted it to be. Now I know not everybody has a printer that can print on that size paper so the plan comes with a sectioned pattern that can print on 8.5×11 inch paper.

Above you can see I’ve taken the skinny candle and decided to stretch it out. Why? Simply because the scrap plywood piece I hauled off on the shelf was just the right width, and I figured it would be cool to change it up and see what it looks like.

As you can see above, I simply drew the lines for the bottom part of the pattern and on the other end I drew the top part of the pattern. Then I used a straight edge to draw lines to connect the two ends.

Well, then I got the idea to make this one into layers. The candle itself will be the backer board, and the smaller parts of the design will be cut out with more scrap pieces of wood. Above I am gauging how to position the scrap wood piece for the candle flame.

I made the base in layers too using scrap 3/4 inch thick pine. The top part of the base I cut thinner to add some dimension to the project.

So here you can see that I cut out the flame from the thinner plywood.

Then I spend a few minutes cutting out the short candle from one piece of plywood. I now have two projects, the short one is what I call a flat project, the taller candle I call a layered project.

Now its time to get busy with the painting. Deciding what colors was relatively easy. I would pic a color and the missus would say, “No, not that one.” Then I’d pic up another and she’d say “Ok.” Then I’d pic up another color for matching purposes… again, “No, not that one”, then “No, that one does go with.” … until finally I “chose” the right one. Thanks d’er missus 🙂
As usual, it took longer to paint that to cut out and sand. I used some pretty old and rough plywood.. I like to think it adds a rustic appeal 🙂 After the paint dried, the black lines were added in strategic places (where I messed up the paint) using a permanent marker.