Sunroom on the deck part 4

Finished putting the foam wedges on the other upright and cut the 2×8 upper header with a 3/8 inch deep by 1/2 inch wide rabbet to accomodate the upper edge of the safety glass ceiling panels.

Cutting the 15 degree notches for the lower header, notched them about 2 inches into the joist. I ended up doing multiple trips up and down the staircase (16 steps) for each header. After all that was done, then each header had to get the same rabbet as previously mentioned. The two outside joists got one rabbet each, the inside joists got rabbets on each side. Then all of the cuts I made in the wood were treated with “EndCoat” preservative. It was dark by the time I was finished.

A couple of pictures showing the rafters completed and ready for installation.