Sunroom on the deck

Starting today on the sunroom. Picked up lumber at Central yesterday and put in order to price aluminum flat bar. 2 inch x 10 ft. They had stock there but it was only 1-1/2″ wide x 6 ft long. Put the floor boards down and the spacers in place for the railing.

I then sliced off 15 degrees from the edges of the two beams that will hold the rafters and started marking the positions of the rafters on the beams.

I then cut a scrap piece of 2×6 to mock up the rafter.

I’m still undecided at whether to cut the groove into the rafter to set the glass in, or leave the rafters alone and use some 1/2 square aluminum tube as spacers between the glass So the projects comes to a halt until I can call the hardware store in the morning.