Fencing,  Foresty

Post and Rail Log Fence

Peeling the logs.
Peeling the logs.

We’ve seen log fencing before, different types too, and we’ve always liked them. The idea is install a post and rail log fence down the left side of the driveway. The driveway runs about 170-180 ft and we want the log fencing to run pretty much the whole length.



Driveway… or launch pad?

I’m figuring about a 8-9 foot spacing between posts so the rails will have to be about 10 ft long. I’m not really sure what a good working diameter is but I am guessing at a 3 inch diameter rail and a 4 to 5 inch diameter post.

First fence rail cut down.
First fence rail cut down.

The rails will start about 6 inches off of the ground, and 3 levels of rails, each separated by 12 inches. I am going to need at least 4 foot above ground and at least 1-1/2 feet below ground.

One down, a few more to go.
One down, a few more to go.

All total I am going to need about 20-22 posts and +60 rails. I don’t know if I’m going to do that many.


Log harvesting.
Log harvesting.

And not being one to waste, I took the remaining parts of the tree for firewood and the balsam branches and small twigs were put through the mulcher. A wonderful smell of balsam!

Mulching up the left over brush.
Mulching up the left over brush.
Mulching up the left over brush.
Mulching up the left over brush.

The results from a about two hours up in the wood lot. These posts and rails, a little bit of extra firewood and some mulch for the yard.

Rails cut on the property.
Rails cut on the property.

Next tasks include peeling the logs, cutting the posts for stakes, chemically treating them to slow down the decay process, dig some holes and get them in place. Then its to figure out the best way to attach the rails.


A Newfoundland born Canadian with a life long interest in woodworking, baking and anything else that peaks my curiosity.

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