• Donuts

    Mmmm… Sour Cream Cake Donuts

    With our office work done for the day, (is it ever?) and rain blowing sideways, we decided to make some cake donuts. A while ago we tried the donuts baked in the oven, even bought the proper pan, but nothing replaces fried donuts. It’s not our first donut rodeo though, we’ve been making these at home for a few years now, and for about 20 years before that in a commercial fryer at our bakery.

    sour cream donuts,donut bits
    Balls of Heaven
  • Donuts

    Homemade Baked Donuts

    On the weekend we decided to try baked donuts. This was more of an experiment than anything. No high expectations at all. While surfing around the internet, I came across a recipe for baked donuts. First thought was, probably not very good. But after reading further I found out it was a thing. Before we could start we had to see if we could find donut pans locally. Low and behold, we did.

    baked donuts
    Donut pans.